Digital Assets
Manage | Share | Collaborate

Asset Manager is designed to not only allow organisations to efficiently keep on top of their data assets, but also be a shop window to potential collaborators.
Asset Manager allows you to note down everything you need for your data assets to be your one-stop point of reference for things like:
- Contracts
- GDPR compliance
- Physical location
- Key contacts
- Collaborators
- ...And much more
Dataset Management
With a simple, open-ended, nest-able category/asset format, your data assets can be organised however you like, be it by projects, themes, departments etc. Whilst being able to offer up an overview of assets, the system can also link through to a Data Catalogue to give users that extra level of detail.
Security & Management
The system provides easy management over the visibility and privacy of your content. Simple toggle controls allow you to publish your content and allow logged in users to see it, whilst creating permission groups allows more granular access to specific users.
The Asset Manager system is a SeRP tool and has been developed by the Population Data Science group at Swansea University Medical School. To find out more about the group please visit their website.